Thursday, August 7, 2008

Class Websites

During the last week of school students reviewed what they learned by creating class websites. The sites were completely designed and created by the students in each class. Their websites are a testament to their knowledge of Global history and ability to paticipate in a virtual classroom community.

Period 6
Period 7

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Model Blogs: Golden Age of Ancient Greece

Today we finished our first day creating blog entries on the "Golden Age" of Ancient Greece and I have seen some great posts. Instead of making my own post on the Golden Age of Ancient Greece, look at these fantastic posts from your classmates.

Great entries from each class:

Period 7 Athensmarties by Florangel and Franklin
Period 6 EGYPTIAN PRINCESS by Deyadira and Melanie
Period 4 Mr. G's 4th Period History Crew by Carolyn and Badr
Period 3 So Fantastic Global History Blog by Numma and Ashley
Period 2 Falone & Emanuel's History Blog by Falone and Emanuel

After you read these blogs try to answer the following question:

How did the Delian League concentrate power in Athens?

Leave your answers as comments and write your first name at the bottom.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Athens and Sparta

image courtesy of

Athens and Sparta are two of the most recognizable city-states in ancient Greece. Each had a distinct culture.


City state in Ancient Greece
Valued education and arts
Valued individual expression
Government was a democracy


City State in Ancient Greece
Valued obedience and military service
Valued the group
Government was an oligarchy

Athens and Sparta were allies in the Persian Wars fighting side by side. Legend has it that a runner named Pheilippides brought news of victory over the Persia from the battle at Marathon to Athens. He collapsed and died after running the 26 miles from Marathon to Athens. Today a race that is 26 miles is called a marathon in honor of Pheilippides's run.

*Regents Questions

In a comparison of the ancient cities of Athens and Sparta, Sparta placed more emphasis on
(1) education
(2) military service
(3) family order
(4) human rights

Which statement most likely represents the view of a citizen of ancient Athens visiting Sparta?

(1) “The government and society in Sparta are so strict. The people have little voice in government.”
(2) “I feel as though I have never left home. Everything here is the same as it is in Athens.”
(3) “This society allows for more freedom of expression than I have ever experienced in Athens.”
(4) “I have never heard of a society like Sparta that believes in only one God.”

Which statement about Greek civilization is an
opinion rather than a fact?

(1) Boys in Sparta were trained to be soldiers.
(2) Athens had a better culture than that of
(3) Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were Greek philosophers.
(4) Many adults in Athens did not have the right to vote.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Geography of Ancient Greece

The Geography of Ancient Greece had a significant impact on its development. Greece is a mountainous country made up of over 2000 seperate islands. The geography of Ancient Greece made it impossible for one ruler to rule the entire country. As a result many independant communities called city-states developed. Each city state had it own leader and a unique culture.

* Regents question

What effect did the geography of ancient Greece have on its early development?

(1) The mountainous terrain led to the creation of independent city-states.
(2) A lack of natural seaports limited com- munication.
(3) An inland location hindered trade and colonization.
(4) Abundant natural resources encouraged self- sufficiency.

Welcome to the Global History Blog

Welcome students, parents, and teachers!

This Blog will serve as model for Mr. Gleason's students' blogs. It will also have general announcements for the course.